Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cold Tuesday

The weather here is so cold. Bet they won't even go outside today for recess at kindergarten. We're going through a lot of wood now. Still trying to conserve the expensive oil. So where is more snow? We're ready for another snow day. Here are some pictures from the last big snow day. Walker loves to go and play in fresh snow.

If you stick your face in the snow like this,

You can end up with a face full of snow. Like this.

Scott plows the driveway into BIG piles. Great for sledding.

Walker and I did some shopping at Kohl's yesterday. He's needed new pants for a couple of weeks now. His are all getting too short. His legs are growing like crazy. We hit it on a lucky day. We found 4 pairs of pants he liked that fit and were buying them. We found out it was buy one-get one free. It was also 30% off the total if you charged it. Cool. We got a lot of stuff and didn't pay that much. Walker thinks I should get a job there. It's not a bad idea. I could use some money to put aside for the long, fun summer. I'll have to think about that. I actually do have some morning times available. Should I just use that time to sit around doing nothing or should I make some money? Hmmm.

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