After I picked Walker up after school I asked him if he wanted to go outside. We'd planned to do that earlier. It's cold, but not too bad. He decided he didn't want to play outside again. He'd just done that at recess. He opted for the "mystery ride" option. We just get in the car and I pretty much make up my mind as inspiration strikes.
We ended up at Exeter Lanes Bowling alley. I didn't even think it was open, but it was. We were the only customers there, though. Walker had never been, but we have been talking about it. The place is a real blast from the past. I don't think anything has changed in there since 1960. I'd never actually been in there so maybe things have changed, but it looks like a place out of the old tv show "Happy Days." They have bumpers now on some of the lanes so that kids (and adults) don't just get all gutter balls. I'd never bowled with them. They really helped my game. I bowled an 86 (with bumpers). I did get 2 spares. Walker did great for his first time. He really liked it. The shoes are different there than they were when I was a kid. I think that's a good thing. They were fluorescent. I hate bowling shoes. Borrowing them, I mean. About 15 years ago I was on a league from my work (Weeks Family Restaurant). We had a lot of fun back then and that's when I bought my own bowling shoes. I can't stand wearing other people's shoes, especially strangers. We didn't know we were going bowling when we left the house, otherwise I would have dug mine out and saved the money. I should just keep them in the car for that "just in case" time when we go bowling.
Walker kept sitting on the thing the balls roll back on. He loved pressing the reset button.
Even candlepin is a little big for his hands, but he did well. You can see the fluorescent pink and green shoes.
After bowling, Walker asked where we were going next.
We were half way to the beach, so we went there (thus the B words, bowling/beach). It was COLD, but I love the beach in the winter. Scott and I met when he lived there and we spent our first winter together hanging out on the beach. The beach playground was open so we got to play there for a while. The waves were crazy big for the NH coast. Must be stormy out to sea. It was very strange to have both snow and sand on my boots. Nothing was open on the strip, so we didn't have to spend any money. I'm so psyched we live close enough to the beach that we can just go there on a whim.
Contemplating the coast. Cute profile.
Beach boy.