Friday, October 03, 2008

October is here

I can't believe it's already October. We have beautiful foliage here. Hopefully, it won't rain and pull the leaves down early. I like this time of year. It's so pretty. Even Walker likes looking at the colors. It's getting chilly here. The days are warm but the nights are getting colder. It's almost time for starting fires in the wood stove. But not yet. I usually try to hold out until November. Save our fuel.

It's going to be really cold tonight at soccer practice. Two weeks ago the other moms and I froze. One woman was smart enough to bring a blanket, gloves and a hat. I'm going to do that tonight. Last week we got cancelled due to the rain.

Sue got new TVs for Jonathan and Kaylee. So, sweetie that she is, she gave us the two tvs. I never thought I'd be someone with a tv in every room. However, it will be nice. We don't have cable upstairs, but we do have an extra VHS player and an extra DVD player. So I took those from the tv in the playroom that now has only cable and the old x-box and put a tv w/VHS in Walker's room (we have more tapes for kids than adults) and a tv w/dvd player in the master suite. Walker was very excited to come home from school and see that yesterday. He rested in his room watching Power Ranger's movies for a while. Good, that gave me time to work on his renaissance faire costume but that's another story... Anyway, thanks Sue!

Scott's work outing to Canobie Lake Park (amusement park) was post-poned from last Saturday to Sunday. Scott took the day off so he wouldn't have to sleep all day and go to work that night. I was happy I could go early with them, instead of having to work all day Saturday and meet them later, after I was exhausted. It was the BEST time at Canobie we've had in a very long time. I think it was because it was drizzly and overcast that the crowds were not there. We didn't have to wait in line for anything. It was great. Except for the spinning rides. Scott and I are more and more sickened each year by spinning. Unfortunately, that is what Walker really likes. Luckily, he doesn't mind riding alone. He went on the Tilt-a-whirl 4 times in a row. He also went on a ride called "Wipe-Out" 4 times in a row. Both of those make us sick. Scott and I did go on each once. All of us went on the very wet "Boston Tea Party." Scott and I got off but since there were no lines Walker continued to ride it another 7 times and was soaked. It was warm and humid so that was good and being wet didn't bother him. It was really fun. Next year will be even better. Walker is about 46.5 inches and he needs to be 48 inches for all the big roller coasters. Next year he will have a totally different experience. He's a little daredevil. HE loves thrill rides. I do too, as long as they go up and down and not around and around!

It's almost time for me to make the permanent switch to a digital camera. Not because I don't love my film camera. Scott bought it for me a few months after Walker was born so I could have good pics of him. But because Hannaford is no longer developing film. It was so convenient there since we are there several times a week anyway. If I can't find a close film developer then I'll have to make the switch. Of course that means a lot of money put out. I'll also have to invest in a better printer so I can actually print the pictures. Why does everything have to change so quickly? Scott and I are still holding off on buying ipods or mp3 players. We'll just wait until the NEXT new thing comes along.

My classes have been meeting now for 5 weeks. I know just about everyone's name now. Good. I usually tell people it'll take me til the end of November to learn all the new names. Luckily, this year out of almost 150girls I have, I have had most of them before. My 3 year olds are mostly new, though. Today's class was good. I know everyone in there now. Tomorrow's 3 year olds are a little harder for some reason. More kids in the class and most of them brunette.

Scott is getting ready to paint his K5 1973 Blazer. We bought it back in 1995 and he worked a lot on it back then, but after Walker was born it came to a stand-still. But now he's back in full force and it's about to be finished. He's got the garage all cleaned out and plastic "walls" hung. Painting begins this afternoon! He's very excited. I think we should show the truck at "Cruise Nights" next summer. It's going to be really cool.

Here are some pictures from summer. I'm still thinking about summer. Still wanting to go camping. The flood trauma has worn off (me - not Walker) and I'm looking forward to going again. We only got 2 trips in, since the last one was cut way too short. I have some camping pictures to post next time. Here are a few cute ones of Walker, Audrey and Scott.

We have the swing-set out back that Sue and Donnie gave us. It has a platform area up at the top of the slide. Walker and Scott are talking about enclosing that area for a little playhouse sort of thing. Scott wants to just make it simple. Walker drew his out with something like 6 rooms, including an in-ground pool! It was cute to see him drawing out his plans.

And here are the finished plans. Nothing has been done yet. Maybe after the Blazer is done.

Audrey and Walker, getting ready to jump into the pool. Ready...

Jump... (You can see part of the patio Scott made that goes from the pool area to the back of the breezeway and the back slider.)


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