Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Happenings

It seems that Halloween lasts longer than Christmas. We've already got two parties under our belts and we've got another one tomorrow night and trick-or-treating next Thursday AND Friday nights. Oh, and don't forget the classroom party. I've been called upon by Walker's teacher to be a co-room mother, which means planning Friday's 1st grade classroom party. I'm stealing an idea for food that I got from my friend Felice's blog - scary popcorn hands.

Walker has two costumes he is wearing this season. He wanted to be a ghost last year, but I didn't have a white sheet to cut up and didn't ever get around to buying one (didn't try too hard). This year I mentioned it to Mom and she happened to have a white sheet and white pillow case. We cut a hole in the sheet to go over Walker's head. We cut eye holes in the pillow case for his "hood." Unfortunately, once we put it no Walker's head he looked like SpongeBob Squarepants. So I cut the pillow case round and got out the sewing machine and it looks much better. His other costume is a dead guy. We got that one at Wal-Mart. He's worn each one once. The elementary school party was last Friday night. He wore the dead guy. It was a fun party. Wish I had some pictures, but I don't. Tuesday night he wore the ghost costume to his boy scout pack party. There were about 100 people there. It was a lot of fun. The older scouts created a spooky walk in the woods and did a great job. Too bad it really scared the Tiger Cub scouts. But it was all in good fun and I'm sure most of the boys have finished crying and screaming by now. The worst part about that party was that it was raining. It started out with just a mild drizzle so it wasn't too bad, but at the end it was a major downpour. I was soaked, and so was Walker. It was cold too, and I was a bad mother and didn't even have a coat for my baby. I thought it would be indoors since they said it would be if it was raining. No one really minded the wetness, though. Not when there were cool things to do like eat a donut off a string or shoot bugs with a laser gun.

Tomorrow night we are excited to see the first public appearance of our friend Steven's new band, Protolithe. They've been getting ready for months and now it's all coming to fruition at Steven and Coreen's annual Halloween party. We all have to dress up. Scott is going as Dr. Death. I'm going to be a pirate and Walker will be one of things. We're supposed to set up the camper in their yard so we can camp out overnight (thus not having to decide who will be the designated drunk). Hopefully, it won't rain, like it is expected to do. There are children's activities until 9PM then they are all either going home or going into house or camper and the adults will rule! Should be a good, crazy, time. I'll have to drink a huge Monster before this party since I'll be working all day tomorrow teaching 5 classes before this party. Walker and Scott have an all day event as well - the Tiger Cub (Boy Scout) Loopa Palooza. He will earn 4 badge things for his belt.

Here are a couple of pictures that were taken by Allie Burke for the wall of "fame" at Steppin' Out. Pretty good and no double chin! That's always important to me.

Which one should I use for the final product? Either would be black and white.


Felice Luftschein said...

I vote for the color one,#2 even though it will be in black and white-
just sayin'....

WalkerMom said...

I chose number 2 as well. Thanks for the input!