Friday, April 10, 2009

The Green House

I noticed the first flowers of spring today in our yard.

We started our green house a couple of weeks ago. We planted carrots, peas, wax beans, green beans, strawberries, and some flowers: sunflowers, marigolds, lavendar, hosta. It was nice to get into the warmth of the green house. Now we have to remember to water every day. We have it on the timer to heat during the dark hours. It still gets really cold at night. Yesterday there was ice on the bird bath in the morning. I plan to can a lot of veggies this year. It'll be nice to have them rather than have to buy them at the market next winter. I'll be a regular earth mother all summer. Walker can help and he can learn all about it too.

Scott being a little goofy over the planting.

Walker mixing up the soil and water. Then he's being goofy too.

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