Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6 Months Ago... Walker's Birthday Party

I finally got some pictures of Walker's birthday developed and scanned. The fun of using film! What a surprise it is when I finally get some pictures back. These are from Walker's birthday back in February, when he turned six. It was a fun party. It was a two-parter. The first part was Walker and all his friends for fun and games at the studio. After that party the big kids came back to the house for a sleepover. Check it out...

The morning of the big day - Scott and I gave Walker his new bike. He rode it in the house for about 3 weeks (it was still very wet and snowy outside back in February).

The party is just getting started with the "Walking Song." Gotta get everyone warmed up. Walker is in the red shirt next to his big-kid friend, Danny (in orange)

After the games we came into the party room (at the studio) for cake. Danny, Walker, Audrey.

At the studio, waiting for the other guests: Scott, Marie (Dad's friend), Walker, my mom.

Back at our house for party, party 2. The big boys played X-Box 360, Jonathan, Danny & Walker.

Later the four of them (these all stayed the night) wrote a play, then got costumes and make-up then we video taped it. I told Danny I'd put it on You-Tube. He was horrified. I wish I had the technology to do stuff like that. Here are Danny (long, dark hair), Kaylee (blond back of head), Amanda and Walker

Danny, Amanda, Kaylee and Walker in the bathroom, getting ready for their "show." Notice Walker's very red lips.

I feel much better now that this is up. Now I can move on to more current topics, like getting up at 5:30AM every day. More on that later.

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