Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Lost a Tooth!

Walker lost his very first tooth Saturday morning. He was so excited. It's been very loose for about a week and bothering him. Of course it came out while I wasn't home. I was at competition. But he told me all about it on the phone. We put it in a cup next to the bed with a big sign on it so the tooth fairy could find it. She came! She left a $2.00. Cool.

He looks so different now. Especially when he's not making a silly face.

A whole new smile. We've entered "big kid" world now.

Competition went well for our studio as a whole. My tap company (I refer to it as the "Go Mom" group) won platinum for our dance "Boogie Back to Texas." Unfortunately, a woman who dances with us, who is also a teacher at another studio, STOLE the choreography and put it on her own students who also competed in the same competition. What a looser! I don't know how she'll be able to show her face there on Thursday. We'll see what happens. Anyway, adult jazz company also got a platinum award for "Wizard of Odd." I'm a lion in that one. It was fun and now performing is over for a few weeks until recital time.

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