Sunday, March 02, 2008

March - In Like a Lion

Happy March! Spring is just around the corner. I'm so glad we had a storm on March 1. Doesn't that mean the weather should be calm, warm and beautiful toward the end of the month? Scott says the farmer's almanac predicts another 12 storms this year. Bring it on! I need a few more snow days.

Walker was able to get out and ride his new birthday bike in the driveway on Friday afternoon. He loves it. It's much bigger than his old bike, so he's getting used to it. He was riding it in the house all week so it was nice to finally get it outside.

Walker on the new bike. His coat even matches.

Walker and Scott snuggled up Friday night.

This is how Walker drinks hot chocolate - he uses a spoon.

Kaylee and Walker making brownies.

Kaylee eating the brownie batter.

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