Friday, February 23, 2007

Walker's Birthday

Today is Walker's birthday. I can't believe he is 5 years old! It has gone by so quickly. All day I'll be looking at the clock thinking about what happened 5 years ago at "this time." I do that every year on his birthday. Five years ago today, at this time, 9:52AM Scott was making us bacon and eggs. I was relaxing on the couch watching TV (on bed rest). Walker seems to be realizing he's growing up and sort of doesn't want to. He's been talking in baby talk and wanting us to feed him. I guess that's indicative of him being aware of this childhood time being on it's way out. Of course he's still got a long way to go. But he's not a toddler any more. He's starting kindergarten in the public school in the fall. It's just unreal. We've been celebrating this birthday for almost a week now. Last Saturday was the "kid" party at Off the Wall Gymnastics. It was great there. They do a very fun birthday party. Plus we didn't have to clean before and after the party as we would had we done the party at home. We had 13 children and most of their parents. The gym instructors led the kids through floor workouts and parachute games, then challenging obstacle courses. The last 20 minutes was "open gym" where they could run wild and crazy. We chose NOT to open presents at the party and that worked out very well. It's always so crazy and never fun for anyone, including the birthday person. So while the kids were eating cake I packed up the gifts in big black trashbags and Scott brought them out to the car. Instead of doing presents we had a game of pin the tail on the donkey after cake. Then handed out goodie bags and that was it. Of course, then we had more fun, once we got home, opening all the gifts in a relaxed way. Sort of.
The above photos are Walker back in the fall. He had his leather jacket on with my boots and Scott's cold weather hat. Walker thought it was the perfect outfit in which to paint a gourd. Since it was still fairly warm we were able to do it out on the breezeway.
This morning Walker got to open two more presents since it's his birthday. He got another Transformer and a Lincoln Log set. Lincoln Logs were always frustrating for me and Sue when we were kids. Not much different these days. Scott was able to make a house, though. Maybe they will be more fun as Walker grows older. Walker is at school this morning. He was excited to wear the birthday crown, birthday sticker and bring cupcakes to all his classmates.
This afternoon we'll go to an early dinner at Bugaboo Creek. We all like it there. We brought Walker there for his 1st birthday and they've sent us free kid meal certificates every year since. We haven't gone back for a birthday since, though. They do a fun birthday song when they bring out a piece of cake.
Tomorrow is the family party. We've got a bit of cleaning to do before the family comes over. We've also got to bake another cake. Luckily, we like doing that. We'll have a big family spaghetti dinner and more presents. Fun.
I can't believe what is going on with Britney Spears. It's very sad, especially when I think about those poor babies. They need their mother AND father both to be healthy and sane (as well as responsible). I hope it all works out for them.
I've had vacation from Andover this week. It's been a bit of a break. I would have been there now, but I'm able to be at home on a Friday at 10AM. Alone, since Scott is in the basement with his brother. Ah, coffee and a free minute. I do have to get ready for teaching "Stretch and Tone" at the YMCA soon, though. But that's fun and good for me.
We had a bit more snow last night. Just about an inch. That'll freshen the yard up a bit for more outdoor fun. We've still got a good 7 inches or so on the ground.